Michelle Obama says her parents were “suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.”

Aug 21, 2024 | Politics

In a recent video, Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, made remarks that have sparked controversy and accusations of hypocrisy. Speaking about her parents, she shared how they were suspicious of wealthy individuals and prioritized the well-being of the community over personal wealth. However, critics argue that her current lifestyle starkly contrasts the values she claimed her parents held dear.

The Remarks

In the video, Michelle Obama stated:

“You see, my mom, in her steady, quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every single day of her life. She believed that all children, all people, have value. That anyone can succeed if given the opportunity. She and my father didn’t aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.

They understood that it wasn’t enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So, my mother volunteered at the local school.”

These comments highlight a narrative of modesty and community-oriented values that her parents instilled in her. They suggest a distrust of wealth and a focus on helping others, values that many Americans can relate to and admire. However, the Obamas’ current lifestyle seems to contradict these very principles.

The Reality: Wealth and Privilege

Since leaving the White House, the Obamas have amassed significant wealth, making them one of the wealthiest couples in America. The couple reportedly signed a $65 million book deal with Penguin Random House for their memoirs. In addition to their literary success, they also secured a lucrative Netflix production deal worth an estimated $50 million. These ventures, combined with speaking fees and other investments, have significantly bolstered their financial standing.

The Obamas currently own multiple luxury properties, including a $12 million mansion on Martha’s Vineyard, a popular summer destination for the wealthy. This estate, which spans 29 acres, features a nearly 7,000-square-foot main house with seven bedrooms, eight-and-a-half bathrooms, a pool, and beachfront access. The neighborhood is predominantly white, raising questions about the authenticity of Michelle Obama’s earlier statements regarding her family’s values.

Hypocrisy and the Democratic Elite

Critics argue that the Obamas’ wealth and lifestyle are emblematic of a broader trend among Democratic elites. While they often champion the working class and speak out against income inequality, many Democratic leaders live in luxury, far removed from the struggles of ordinary Americans. This disconnect is seen as a form of hypocrisy, as they preach one set of values while living by another.

The Obamas’ wealth and privilege have been a topic of debate for years. While they advocate for policies aimed at reducing economic inequality and supporting the middle and lower classes, their own financial success and the lifestyle that accompanies it seem at odds with the ideals they promote. This has led to accusations that they, like many in their party, are out of touch with the very people they claim to represent.

The Broader Picture

The Obamas are not alone in facing criticism for perceived hypocrisy. Many prominent Democrats, from Nancy Pelosi to Bernie Sanders, have been accused of similar contradictions between their rhetoric and their personal lives. For instance, Sanders, who has long railed against the “millionaire and billionaire class,” has himself become a millionaire, leading some to question his commitment to the cause.

This pattern of behavior fuels the argument that the Democratic Party, despite its rhetoric, is led by individuals who benefit from the very system they criticize. While they advocate for higher taxes on the wealthy and increased government spending on social programs, their own actions often suggest a different set of priorities.


Michelle Obama’s recent remarks about her parents’ suspicion of wealth and their community-focused values have drawn attention to the stark contrast between those sentiments and her current lifestyle. As the Obamas enjoy the privileges that come with immense wealth, their actions raise questions about the sincerity of their advocacy for economic equality. This apparent disconnect between rhetoric and reality is a common theme among Democratic elites, leading to ongoing debates about the true nature of their commitment to the values they espouse.