Kamala Harris’s Record as Vice President: A Legacy of Failure

Aug 17, 2024 | Politics

Kamala Harris’s tenure as Vice President under the Biden Administration has been marked by numerous failures, particularly in areas where she was tasked with leading critical initiatives. From handling the border crisis to addressing voting rights, Harris has shown a lack of leadership and a penchant for embracing woke, far-left policies that have done more harm than good.

One of the most glaring failures of Harris’s vice presidency is her handling of the southern border crisis. Despite being appointed as the administration’s point person on immigration, Harris has been largely absent, failing to take decisive action to secure the border or address the root causes of illegal immigration. Instead, she has focused on promoting policies that encourage more migrants to enter the country illegally, exacerbating the crisis rather than solving it.

Harris has also been a vocal advocate for federalizing election laws, pushing for legislation that would strip states of their constitutional authority to manage their own elections. Her support for measures like the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act reveals her willingness to undermine the principles of federalism in favor of a one-size-fits-all approach that benefits her party.

Additionally, Harris has consistently supported the Biden Administration’s far-left economic policies, which have contributed to record inflation, rising energy costs, and a shrinking middle class. Her unwavering commitment to woke policies, such as pushing for climate change regulations that kill jobs and promoting divisive racial equity initiatives, has alienated many Americans who see her as out of touch with the needs of ordinary citizens.

As Harris continues to pursue the Democratic nomination for president in 2024, her record as Vice President should be scrutinized closely. Her failure to lead effectively on key issues and her embrace of far-left policies make her a deeply flawed candidate who is unfit to lead the nation.