When Todd Phillips’ Joker hit theaters in 2019, it was nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. The film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as the iconic Batman villain, became a surprise hit, grossing over $1 billion worldwide. It was a gritty, intense, and psychologically...
Judge Removed from UFC 305 After Controversial Scorecard in Rozenstruik vs. Tuivasa Fight
In a stunning turn of events, a judge has been removed from UFC 305 following a controversial scorecard in the fight between Jairzinho...
Judge Removed from UFC 305 After Controversial Scorecard in Rozenstruik vs. Tuivasa Fight
In a stunning turn of events, a judge has been removed from UFC 305 following a controversial scorecard in the fight between Jairzinho Rozenstruik and Tai Tuivasa. The judge's decision, which many fans and analysts deemed highly questionable, has sparked a heated...