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The Role of the Executive Branch in Shaping Foreign Policy

The Executive Branch, led by the President, plays a pivotal role in shaping the foreign policy of the United States. As the Commander-in-Chief and the nation’s chief diplomat, the President is responsible for making critical decisions that affect the country's...

Kamala Harris: A Questionable Choice for President

As the political landscape for the 2024 presidential election begins to take shape, it's time to shine a light on Kamala Harris's past. Her track record as Vice President, Senator, and Prosecutor, along with elements of her past, raises serious concerns about her...

Biden Campaign’s Pre-Approved Questions Draw Scrutiny

A recent interview with radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders has brought to light that President Joe Biden's campaign provided pre-approved questions prior to her discussion with him. This revelation, shared during a CNN segment, has ignited debate over the practice's...

The Biden Administration: A Global Embarrassment

The current state of the Biden administration is nothing short of alarming. Under President Joe Biden’s leadership, the United States has experienced a series of international blunders that have left our allies questioning America’s strength and resolve. From...