I Need To Call My Doc For A New Inhaler After Cackling So Hard At These 41 Funny Tweets From The Week

Mar 19, 2025 | Uncategorized

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Alana Valko

Against everything right now, this is where I am at.

Tweet by @KK_is_my_name: "I fall for fool's spring every year because I'm addicted to hope & believing that life will get better." Viewed 1.5M times
@KK_is_my_name_ / Via x.com

Is it wrong and naive to believe that better things are ahead??? Probably. But it’s all I’ve got right now, along with these funny tweets from the week that remind me — no matter what — that we’ll always have humor:


Tweet by Audrey: "I love to feel tired from the sun it's probably as close to experiencing life as a crocodile a girl can get."
@hope__island / Via x.com


A person smiling in front of a window, with a screenshot of a social media post about a meeting reminder and mandatory training by Friday
MTV / @nic__carter / Via x.com


Tweet about a friend's humorous complaint regarding plans canceled due to a recent birth
@ReddCinema / Via x.com


Screenshot of a tweet with an image of Nicole Kidman and a tweet about her interest in starring in "The White Lotus."
@feeIcompIete / @PopCrave / Via x.com / tiktok.com


Tweet by user: "Just heard my neighbour say to her Pomeranian 'I am not doing this with you right now'."
@horse_feedbag / Via x.com


Tweet by Stacey reads: "I have tasted employment, I have tasted joblessness and I recommend generational wealth guys."
@its_staceym / Via x.com


Tweet chain: First tweet jokes that 180 and 360 are confusing people. Second tweet states "my life finna do a whole 360," followed by laughing emojis
@quesadaaa_ / Via x.com


Tweet by Meg: "the dentist asking if a Monday at 2pm in November works & you just have to be like Well Ok."
@megannn_lynne / Via x.com


Tweet by user with handle @ToolGirl18 reads, "Pickles are great...until you're in one." It has 9.7K retweets and 70K likes
@ToolGirl18 / Via x.com


Tweet by user: "Having an empty laundry basket is the best 5 seconds of my life." 142 replies, 26K retweets, 135K likes, 2.4M views
@SaharahRain / Via x.com


A tweet by latke recounts their mom admitting to stealthily taking eight ceramic dishes from a restaurant over the years
@latkedelrey / Via x.com


Screenshot of a chat with a text saying, "karate mfs when they hit something" followed by a crying emoji
@WeirdBongs / Via x.com


Tweet by user expressing mixed feelings about a comedy film titled "The Grinch That Stole B*tches" on Tubi, featuring a prominent actor's face on a TV screen
@NylaRoseBeast / Tubi / Via x.com


Tweet by Sage Actual reacting to a New York Post article. The article headline involves a neuroscientist and an unusual bike accident caused by a pigeon
@SageDynamics / New York Post / Via x.com


Tweet humorously comments on McDonald's breakfast end time at 10:30 a.m. and employees' reactions
@t_sadiity / Via x.com


Tweet by Professor Lucy Easthope comments on mysterious radio signals reported by The Independent
@LucyGoBag / The Independent / Via x.com


Tweet by user @AddictKE: "It doesn’t matter how bizarre your situation is. Somebody on Reddit already been there, done that." 766.4K views
@AddictKE_ / Via x.com


Tweet by user about iPhone alarm being so effective that you wake up before it sounds to avoid the noise
@ResilienceX3 / Via x.com


A yellow polo shirt with the "Spirit" logo hangs on a clothing rack in a store. Tweet caption jokes about airport access by wearing the shirt
@xamdl4 / Via x.com


Screenshot of a text exchange showing a photo of a group rowing with the caption: "Ahem. This was just posted on Facebook." The response reads, "Well I don’t know how that happened."
@Poppy_yyyyyyyy / Via x.com


A humorous tweet recounting a fictional experience of being mistaken for tea and thrown into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party
@GioModd / Via x.com


Split image tweet shows two suburban streets with houses and open spaces
@rev__ro / Via x.com


Futuristic silver vehicle resembling a prototype is parked in a lot, captioned "Actually wheezing" with high engagement on social media
@LadyDumplings / Via x.com


Tweet humorously compares relationships to career changes; cousin studied medicine for 6 years, now works as a DJ
@Franksaint96 / Via x.com


Apple TV / @lalenakittenns / Via Twitter: @lalenakittenns


A tweet says, "mr beast is like if they made dubai into a person," with likes and retweets counts
@d0unbug / Via x.com


Twitter: @joeywstoll


Tweet about the experience of bowling with skilled players, questioning their enthusiasm
@evermoresivy / Via x.com


Cookies on a plate; one cookie appears to have a sad face made with candy pieces
@AphexQuinn / Via x.com


Tweet of standing person in suit beside a sporty car parked in front of a large building, shared with the comment about needing cooler things
@ali_sivi / @tedcruz / Via x.com


Tweet humorously describes a woman vaping, playing Shania Twain, and backing into an SUV in a parking lot, highlighting quirky California moments
@ceaubin / Via x.com


Tweet about appreciating people who add sparkle emojis to positive comments, feeling like Tinkerbell magic
@lolrelaxok / Via x.com


Screenshot of a Facebook post showing a dessert and a cocktail in a restaurant, captioned, "Cuz I'm worth it!!!"
@margebertha / Via x.com


Tweet joking about anxiety causing stomach issues, with 7.2M views
@ppyowna / Via x.com


Tweet by Sushee: "I have tasted academic validation. I have tasted romantic love. I recommend getting a hobby." 104 replies, 15K retweets, 105K likes
@PapaPSusheeela / Via x.com


Tweet by timswagoo: "home is where you trust the toilet seats." 535 comments, 61K retweets, 381K likes
@timthecrtr / Via x.com


Siamese cat looking up on a patterned floor, caption humorously mentions the cat's reluctance to pose for the camera like influencer moms with kids
@6dollarballoon / Via x.com


Tweet joking about the perception of height differences between men and women who are both 5'9"
@quesadaaa_ / Via x.com


Tweet by user Alfie saying, '"out of stock" TAKE IT OFF THE WEBSITE THEN' with 229 comments, 21K retweets, and 205K likes
@alfienxo / Via x.com


National Board of Review / @nofacess_ / Via Twitter: @nofacess_


Red office chair with eyes resembles Lightning McQueen from Cars. Social media post in Spanish with humorous commentary on the resemblance
@faqxeen / Via x.com

That’s allll I’ve got. As always, feel free to peruse our most recent funny tweet roundups for more sh*ts and giggles:

29 Funny Tweets From The Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard That My Lungs Are Now Permanently Busted

28 Hilarious Tweets From The Week That Had Me Laughing Way, Way, Wayyy Harder Than I Should Have Been



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