The incident happened off Chilean Patagonia when 24-year-old Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell, in the Strait of Magellan, CBS News reported Friday.
His father was recording from not far away when the whale came out of nowhere and swallowed his son and his yellow kayak.
Video footage shows the moment the whale surfaced and Simancas disappeared inside the creature’s mouth. Seconds later, the whale released Simancas, who tried to get his bearings after such an intense few moments:
He later said, “I thought I was dead. I thought it had eaten me, that it had swallowed me.” During the incident, his father is heard telling him to stay calm. When Simancas emerged from inside the whale’s mouth, his kayak was also seen popping up out of the water.
The young man said he could barely believe it when the whale came near to him, El Pais reported Friday.
“At first, I thought it had swallowed me whole, although I didn’t really know what it was, and then, when I got back to the surface, I realized it was a whale,” he recalled.
“I also knew that there wasn’t that much danger, unless it started jumping or knocked my dad off his boat, because then it would be very difficult for us to get back to shore,” he added.
The El Pais report noted:
Humpback whales, which can weigh up to 48 tons and measure 19 meters in length in the case of females, feed on plankton, plants, and fish. They have a small throat, which makes it difficult for a human body to reach their stomach. They rarely attack humans and are known for being one of longest-traveling species in the world.
In 2017, another man had a close call with a whale while he was kayaking, according to video footage from The Dodo.
The clip shows just how large the creatures are:
After the frightening brush with the humpback whale, Simancas and his father returned to shore safe and sound, although a little shaken.
The story is reminiscent of the Book of Jonah in the Bible when the prophet was swallowed by a whale and later spit back on land.
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