Trump Campaign Blasts Warriors’ Steve Kerr for Silence on China While Speaking at DNC

Aug 21, 2024 | Politics

The Trump campaign has criticized Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr for speaking up at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) while remaining silent on issues related to China. Kerr, who has been vocal about various social justice issues in the United States, has faced scrutiny for not addressing China’s human rights violations.

“Steve Kerr is quick to criticize America but stays silent on China,” the Trump War Room tweeted. “His silence on China’s atrocities speaks volumes.”

The Trump campaign’s critique comes as Kerr delivered a speech at the DNC, calling for unity and action against the policies of former President Donald Trump. However, the focus on Kerr’s perceived double standards has overshadowed his message, with many questioning why he has not been equally outspoken about China.

The tweet from the Trump War Room has garnered significant attention, further fueling the ongoing debate about the role of athletes and coaches in political discourse.
