“The ways in which they can kill public education, from defunding it from a federal level, and then also enabling state monies and local monies to flow into the private for-profit school setup,” Johnson began.
“That is going that is ongoing,” he continued, asserting that it is a “recipe to make education unavailable to black people.”
“And where does that then leave us? It puts us back to when America was great and we were picking cotton and all of it — we’re doing the productivity that they are putting the — my Latino brothers and sisters who migrate here to do that work, because we are not suited intellectually to do it anymore,” he said.
“But they would have us back confined to doing that kind of work. So we gotta watch out for where we are headed and it’s the people that will save our democracy,” Johnson continued. “That will stop this movement towards the past that Trump has us hurtling towards.”
This kind of unfactual rhetoric is not new from the left, however. Back in 2012, then-Vice President Joe Biden issued a similar warning to Americans.
“We got a real clear picture of what they all value,” Biden said at the time. “Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing.”
“Romney wants to let the — he said in the first hundred days he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, ‘unchain Wall Street.’ They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” he said.
Democrats have yet to be able to provide examples of minority voters losing their rights in President Trump’s first term or in his second. Further, in his first term, President Trump signed legislation to increase federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Not to mention that Trump boosted his vote among black Americans in the latest presidential election, as well.
But that is not relevant to Johnson, the same congressman who infamously stated during a House Armed Services Committee that Guam could capsize.
There is no evidence that championing school choice for parents and children — allowing children from failing schools to seek a better education elsewhere — would lead to slavery.
Breitbart News
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