Kamala Harris’s War on the Middle Class: Tax Hikes and Job-Killing Regulations

Aug 17, 2024 | Politics

Kamala Harris’s economic policies represent a significant threat to the American middle class. Her support for massive tax hikes and burdensome regulations would stifle economic growth, destroy jobs, and make it harder for hardworking Americans to make ends meet. As she vies for the Democratic nomination in 2024, it’s important to scrutinize her record and proposals to understand the impact they could have on the nation’s economic future.

One of Harris’s most troubling proposals is her support for increasing taxes on individuals and businesses. During her time in the Senate, Harris consistently voted for higher taxes, including support for the Green New Deal, which would have imposed enormous costs on businesses and consumers alike. Her tax policies are rooted in the belief that the government should have greater control over the economy, a stance that is fundamentally at odds with the principles of free-market capitalism.

Harris’s economic agenda also includes a push for more regulations on industries ranging from energy to healthcare. These regulations, often justified under the guise of environmental protection or consumer safety, are in reality job killers that disproportionately affect small businesses and the middle class. By making it more expensive and difficult to operate a business in the United States, Harris’s policies would lead to fewer job opportunities and lower wages for American workers.

Moreover, Harris’s support for aggressive climate change regulations would have devastating effects on the energy sector, one of the key drivers of the U.S. economy. Her backing of the Green New Deal and other far-left environmental policies would not only increase energy costs for consumers but also lead to the loss of countless jobs in the oil, gas, and coal industries.

In short, Kamala Harris’s economic policies are a recipe for disaster for the middle class. Her commitment to tax increases, job-killing regulations, and far-left economic principles make her an unfit choice to lead a nation that thrives on innovation, entrepreneurship, and hard work.