Kamala Harris’s Senate Record: A Career Defined by Far-Left Policies

Aug 17, 2024 | Politics

Before becoming Vice President, Kamala Harris served as a U.S. Senator from California, where she built a reputation as one of the most liberal members of Congress. Harris’s voting record and policy positions during her time in the Senate reveal a deep commitment to far-left, woke ideologies that are out of step with the values of mainstream America.

Harris was a staunch supporter of the Green New Deal, an extreme environmental proposal that would have devastated the U.S. economy by imposing draconian regulations on industries, killing jobs, and driving energy costs through the roof. Her support for this radical agenda underscores her willingness to sacrifice economic prosperity in the name of climate activism.

In addition to her environmental extremism, Harris was a vocal advocate for Medicare for All, a government-run healthcare system that would have eliminated private insurance and placed healthcare decisions in the hands of bureaucrats. This policy, which was widely criticized for its enormous cost and potential to lead to lower-quality care, was a centerpiece of Harris’s platform during her brief run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

Harris also demonstrated a troubling tendency to support policies that erode civil liberties. She co-sponsored the Justice in Policing Act, a bill that sought to impose federal control over local police departments and included provisions that would have made it harder for police officers to do their jobs. Her record on criminal justice is particularly hypocritical, given her history as a tough-on-crime prosecutor in California—a record she has since tried to distance herself from as part of her transformation into a woke progressive.

As Harris campaigns for the Democratic nomination in 2024, her Senate record will likely come under increased scrutiny. Her consistent support for far-left policies and her willingness to embrace woke ideologies make her an unappealing choice for voters who value freedom, economic growth, and the rule of law.