Kamala Harris’s Legal Career: A Legacy of Hypocrisy and Political Opportunism

Aug 17, 2024 | Politics

Kamala Harris’s legal career, which includes her time as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of California, is a study in hypocrisy and political opportunism. While Harris now portrays herself as a champion of social justice and police reform, her record as a prosecutor tells a very different story—one of aggressive law enforcement tactics, questionable ethics, and a willingness to bend the law to advance her career.

As District Attorney, Harris built her reputation on being tough on crime, often pursuing harsh sentences for minor offenses and resisting calls for criminal justice reform. She oversaw numerous cases where individuals were given lengthy prison sentences for non-violent crimes, particularly drug-related offenses. Despite her current stance on criminal justice reform, Harris showed little concern for the systemic issues within the justice system when it benefited her politically.

Harris’s tenure as Attorney General of California was also marked by controversial decisions that call into question her commitment to justice. She fought to uphold wrongful convictions, even in cases where new evidence emerged that cast doubt on the guilt of the accused. Harris also resisted efforts to reform California’s deeply flawed three-strikes law, which disproportionately affected minority communities.

Perhaps most damning is Harris’s handling of police misconduct cases. Despite her rhetoric on holding law enforcement accountable, Harris often failed to prosecute police officers involved in shootings and other acts of misconduct. Her reluctance to take on powerful police unions and her history of opposing police body camera mandates reveal a politician more interested in maintaining her power than in pursuing justice.

As Harris seeks the Democratic nomination for president in 2024, her legal career is likely to be a major point of contention. Her record as a prosecutor and Attorney General is filled with examples of hypocrisy and political calculation, making her claims of being a progressive reformer ring hollow.