The Biased Handling of Trump’s Case: Judge Juan Merchan’s Potential Corruption and Unfair Trial Practices

May 30, 2024 | Politics

As a seasoned journalist, I have seen the American judicial system from various angles. I’ve covered high-profile cases, political scandals, and everything in between. Yet, the handling of Donald Trump’s criminal case in New York by Judge Juan Merchan stands out as a glaring example of potential bias and corruption. This case raises serious questions about the impartiality of our judicial system, the integrity of the officials involved, and the broader implications for justice in America.

Judge Juan Merchan’s Democratic Connections

Judge Juan Merchan’s connections to the Democratic Party are well-documented. His daughter, Loren Merchan, is the president of Authentic Campaigns, a firm that has worked extensively with Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Authentic Campaigns has also been involved with prominent figures such as Adam Schiff, a known Trump antagonist, and other Democratic leaders​ (​​ (The New York Sun)​. This relationship alone casts a shadow over Judge Merchan’s ability to remain impartial in a case involving Donald Trump.

Moreover, Judge Merchan himself made political donations to Democratic causes in 2020. He contributed $15 to Joe Biden’s campaign and $10 each to the Progressive Turnout Project and Stop Republicans. Although these amounts are relatively small, they are significant enough to raise questions about his impartiality​ (7News)​. In any high-profile case, the appearance of bias can be just as damaging as actual bias, and Judge Merchan’s actions have certainly created such an appearance.

Comparisons with High-Profile Cases and Jury Sequestration

One of the most troubling aspects of Judge Merchan’s handling of Trump’s case is his decision not to sequester the jury. In high-profile cases, it is standard practice to sequester the jury to ensure they are not influenced by outside media or public opinion. For instance, during the trial of O.J. Simpson, the jury was sequestered for the entire duration of the trial to prevent any external influence​ (7News)​. Similarly, in the case of Derek Chauvin, the officer charged with the murder of George Floyd, the jury was partially sequestered during deliberations to maintain impartiality​ (7News)​.

In contrast, the jury in Trump’s case was not sequestered, leaving them vulnerable to the pervasive media coverage and public opinion surrounding the trial. Given the intense media scrutiny and the highly polarized political environment, this decision by Judge Merchan is inexplicable and unjustifiable. It raises serious doubts about the fairness of the trial and the integrity of the verdict.

Judge Merchan’s History of Bias

Judge Merchan’s history further underscores the potential for bias in this case. He was appointed to the New York State Court of Claims by then-Democratic Governor David Paterson and to the Family Court in Bronx County by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was a Republican at the time but has since become a prominent supporter of Democratic causes​ (​. This political background, combined with his daughter’s Democratic affiliations and his own political donations, paints a picture of a judge who is deeply embedded in Democratic politics.

Furthermore, Trump’s legal team has highlighted instances where Judge Merchan’s rulings appeared to be overly harsh and biased against Trump and his associates. For example, in a previous case involving the Trump Organization, Judge Merchan imposed severe penalties that were widely seen as disproportionate​ (​. These actions contribute to the perception that Judge Merchan is not an impartial arbiter of justice but rather a partisan actor with an agenda.

The Broader Implications for Justice

The handling of Trump’s case by Judge Merchan is not just about one man or one trial. It speaks to a broader issue within our judicial system where political affiliations and personal biases can undermine the principles of fairness and impartiality. When judges are perceived to be biased, it erodes public trust in the judicial system and undermines the rule of law.

Moreover, the media’s role in shaping public perception cannot be ignored. The relentless negative coverage of Trump has created an environment where it is nearly impossible for him to receive a fair trial. This media bias, combined with Judge Merchan’s apparent conflicts of interest, has turned what should be a straightforward legal proceeding into a political circus.

The Case for a Presidential Pardon

In light of these issues, one possible solution to end this judicial and media circus would have been for President Joe Biden to pardon Donald Trump. Such a move, while controversial, could have put an end to the endless legal battles and allowed the country to move forward. Pardoning political opponents is not without precedent; Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon to help heal the nation after Watergate​ (7News)​. A pardon from Biden could have similarly helped to de-escalate the political tensions and restore some semblance of normalcy to the American political landscape.


The case against Donald Trump, overseen by Judge Juan Merchan, is a stark reminder of the potential for bias and corruption within our judicial system. From Judge Merchan’s Democratic connections to his questionable decision not to sequester the jury, there are numerous red flags that suggest this trial was anything but fair. As a journalist with over 30 years of experience, I can confidently say that this case exemplifies the dangers of allowing political bias to infiltrate our courts. It is a travesty of justice that should never have happened, and it serves as a cautionary tale for the future of American democracy.

The American people deserve better. They deserve a judicial system that is fair, impartial, and free from political influence. Only by addressing these issues head-on can we hope to restore public trust in our courts and ensure that justice is truly served.